
“Every project starts with a story.” - Colleen Atwood

Once in a while a project pops up that sparks Karina’s interest. We feel this needs to be a subject on its own on the website as each project has its own unique form and story. Teamwork or a solo project, Karina most likely won’t turn your project down as it is a short change of scenery she longs for. She gets a lot of fun out of a commissioned project and she’d love to learn about yours. Here’s some of the projects she worked on.

A continuing project since 2022 is working with the Dutch art magazine 'Atelier'. Producing paintings every two months and write a step- by- step guide. In combination with in-progress pictures Karina creates fun tutorials for starting artists.

To the art





Cover art by Karina

With this small painting Karina entered a competition for the well known art magazine ‘Atelier’. The theme was ‘On adventure’ and she created this painting around that theme, starting four days before the deadline. In this painting she put in her concern and desire that children should go out and go on adventures outdoors to learn, to enjoy and get in touch with the outside world. 

Plakbak. Commissioned by a wife who’s man turned 60, Karina decorated a big storage bin for his wide arrangement of glues. She asked for a personalized design on it in a vintage style and gave Karina free rein of execution.

For a cultural project, Karina got to design and paint an 80cm tall Easter egg. Initially it would’ve been half that size and with only 7 days to work on it it became a race against the clock. Together with City Life Church who was involved in this project, Karina decided on a four- panel of key bible story’s leading to Easter and the Resurrection. She painted this in a fitting colorful stained glass- window style. 

For a Christmas- eve gathering Karina got asked to create performing arts for three repeating events. Working together with singers, actors, musicians and camera crew she came up with a performance that tied the event together.

'The gang of sixth grade' musical had been focused on cartoon characters and digital backdrops. Karina was assigned the task to create 8 characters and several digital backdrops for this project by Stage4Media

Aesthetic renovation of a piano at a Montessori school. Together with a friend Karina worked on painting the old piano as if heavily damaged. This trick of the eye is called 'Trompe l'oeil' as it only appears that the piano is in such a horrible state but in fact only has been painted on. 

It may appear that 3 old playing cards are resting on top of an old cigar box, however the originally untreated wooden box has been stained and the cards are painted on there is a trick of 'Trompe l'oeil'

On a panel format of 1x2 meter Karina realized an considerately well executed project of Cadillac old-timer themed illustration. The painting shows posters tethered by time and weather and showing newer car models advertised over older ones. The once grandeur stucco has been stained and now crumbling showing old brink wall behind it.

If you wish to get an artist on board for your project, brainstorm wise as well as to execute your ideas Karina is in for it! Learn about her way of working on projects here: