Magazine 'Atelier'



Hey there! So, guess what's super awesome? Giving back to your own community, and Karina totally nails it. She doesn't just host workshops and whip up cool art; she also spills the artistic beans in tutorials for 'Atelier' magazine. Picture this: step-by-step guides, in-progress pics, and Karina making fun and kinda-easy paintings happen.

The magazine's editorial squad tosses her a new theme every two months, and she dives into the creative pool. With a dream team of art maestros, history buffs, and other cool art folks, each edition isn't just a read – it's a whole art adventure. Valuable and educational vibes all the way!


Karina's Additions

Theme: van Realiteit naar Abstractie / From Realism to Abstract
2023 | 40x60cm
Acrylics on canvasboard

Theme: Contrasten / Contrasts

2023 | 24x30cm
Acrylics on canvasvboard

Theme: Nieuwe Werelden / New Worlds

2023 | 24x30cm

Acrylics on canvasboard

Theme: Buitengewoon / Outstanding

2023 | 24x30cm

Acrylics on canvasboard

Theme: Harmonie / Harmony

2023 | 24x30cm

Acrylics on canvasboard

Theme: Van schets tot expositie / from sketch to exhibition

2023 | 24x30cm

Acrylics on canvasboard

Theme: Verbinding / Connection

Acrylics on canvasboard

Theme: Vol Verwachting / Full of Expectation

2022 | 24x30cm

Acrylics on canvasboard