About Karina

Earliest memory Karina has about her creative journey is sitting at the kitchen table when she was 3 or 4 years old. Rather than playing outside with her brothers, she was more interested in drawing and painting. So her mom patiently sat down with Karina to teach her how to hold a pencil and how to place a brush on paper. That memory plays vividly in her mind still.


From then on Karina taught herself the skill of drawing by copying what older siblings and their friends made. Her phase of walking heads on sticks was short and was quickly followed up by faces on bodies with L- shaped legs and arms with hands and fingers. 


Over the years she lost her inspiration in mind-numbing coloring pages and only in her teens she picked up art and started to sprint in creative skills. Helped by her high school arts teacher Karina applied to art competitions. Competitive thrill is even today her favorite way of art flow. 


Karina’s parents thought it self evident for Karina to follow a creative education that could multiply her creativity and skill. Karina choose to follow an education in restoration techniques were she learned skills like imitation paint techniques of wood and marble, stained glass making, gold- leaf appliances and many more. Mostly she learned that this was not her passion. After finishing this 4 year education she turned to an autodidact path of teaching herself portrait painting and paint techniques to make her own custom paintings.


After a two year long self-searching period living in Washington DC, USA Karina came back refueled with inspiration of the National Gallery of Art she often visited. Back home, she picked up her brushes and hasn’t stopped creating and learning new skills ever since. 


Portrait painting is not the only skill she successfully mastered. Complicated digital drawings, mural paintings in many sizes, vector logo’s, digital designs, hosting workshops and even creating content for Magazine 'Atelier': Karina has a lot of creativity up her sleeve. 


And she’d like to invite you the discover her colorful heart on this website.

Feel free to roam!